When you work on your PC, your operating system creates a lot of temporary files in your computer’s system folders, which are then left behind even after you turn your PC off. These files can be used to trace your activities and actions and may reveal to others what you have been doing on your PC. Privacy Winner can search for all the temporary files and folders, and you can then clean all traces of your activities with a single click.
The program comes with a very user-friendly interface that lets you choose which sections of your PC you want to free from temporary files and folders. For example, you can choose to wipe out only Microsoft Word’s history, or choose the complete MS Office group of tools to erase its file open history. The simplest way is to choose them all, and exclude those applications whose history you want to keep - for example, a specific web browser or your favorite multimedia player. The program also carries a built-in file shredder that can completely delete any sensitive file from your PC, and make it totally unrecoverable.
Shortly, the program is a perfect privacy tool that comes with a perfect user interface and with features to avail you complete privacy about what you do on your PC. Good scanning speed makes it even better than many others of its kind.